Wishlist: Tree of Life

... an amazing children's book, called Tree of Life: The Incredible Biodiversity of Life on Earth. It's an excellent resource for kids and adults, which introduces the reader to all the very diverse species on Earth, and how all life is interconnected, and so dependent on each other for survival. Near the end of the book, the last species to be discussed is of course, us, those darn humans. Rochelle writes:

Humans are 1 of the 1,750,000 species on the Tree of Life. We are but one leaf on the Tree. Yet, with a population of over six billion, humans have the greatest impact on the Tree of Life.

... beautifully illustrated by the very talented artist Margot Thompson.

Rochelle will have a new book coming out early next year. This book will be all about the rich life under water.

As seen in Booklust :)


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