22 dezembro 2023

Summer Solstice - Astronomy Picture of the Day

183 Days in the Sun
Image Credit & Copyright: José Zarcos Palma

Explanation: A single 183 day exposure with a pinhole camera and photographic paper resulted in this long-duration solargraph. Recorded from solstice to solstice, June 21 to December 21, in 2022, it follows the Sun's daily arcing path through planet Earth's skies from Mertola, Portugal. On June 21, the Sun's highest point and longest arc represents the longest day and the astronomical beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere. The solstice date with the fewest hours of daylight is at the beginning of winter in the north, corresponding to the Sun's shortest and lowest arc in the 2022 solargraph. For 2023, the northern winter solstice was on December 22 at 3:27 UTC. That's December 21 for North America time zones.


07 dezembro 2023

Ary dos Santos - 7 de Dezembro 1937 -18 de Janeiro 1984


Tu que dormes a noite na calçada de relento
Numa cama de chuva com lençóis feitos de vento
Tu que tens o Natal da solidão, do sofrimento
És meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão.
E tu que dormes só o pesadelo do ciúme
Numa cama de raiva com lençóis feitos de lume
E sofres o Natal da solidão sem um queixume
És meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão.
Natal é em Dezembro
Mas em Maio pode ser
Natal é em Setembro
É quando um homem quiser
Natal é quando nasce
Uma vida a amanhecer
Natal é sempre o fruto
Que há no ventre da Mulher
Tu que inventas ternura e brinquedos para dar
Tu que inventas bonecas e comboios de luar
E mentes ao teu filho por não os poderes comprar
És meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão.
E tu que vês na montra a tua fome, que eu não sei
Fatias de tristeza em cada alegre bolo-rei
Pões um sabor amargo em cada doce que eu comprei
És meu irmão, amigo, és meu irmão.
Ary dos Santos. Quando Um Homem Quiser. In. As Palavra das Cantigas

03 dezembro 2023

António Variações celebrado com um Doodle


Variações grew up on his parent's farm with several siblings and found his love for music when he heard his dad play the accordion and cavaquinho. The media in Portugal was heavily censored during his younger years, so Variações would have rarely heard anyone speak positively about LGBTQ+ people or seen anyone wear clothes outside of traditional gender norms. It wasn’t until he traveled to London and learned hairdressing in Amsterdam that he felt comfortable to experiment with more diverse styles. Variações then returned to Lisbon with a unique fashion sense, often donning two-toned facial hair, bold colors and prints, and large metal accessories.

He worked at the first unisex hair salon in Portugal before opening his own in 1979, É Pró Menino e Prá Menina. He also sang at nightclubs around Lisbon and on a TV show before gaining stardom with his self-written first album, Anjo da Guarda. His song Estou Além blended genres like synth, pop, rock, and fado, earning remarkable popularity and critical acclaim. Variações went on to influence pop-rock again with Dar e Receber, a more somber album released in 1984.

But before he got a chance to see Canção Do Engate become a radio hit, he tragically passed from HIV/AIDS-related complications. As one of the first famous Portuguese HIV/AIDS victims, he raised awareness and empathy for the condition.

Artists still perform covers of his work to this day, and in 2004, a group of musicians recorded an album of unheard songs written by Variações. The Fiscal primary school he attended is now being transformed into an interpretive center in his honor.

While Variações never officially came out as LGBTQ+, he remains an icon for many in the community. During Pride, people celebrate the legendary musician for his pioneering self-expression and lasting impact on LGBTQ+ culture.

Happy birthday, António Variações! Thanks for always marching to the beat of your own drum.