Ode to a Car

When you and your Cruiser have traveled "ver paaie" together . .

to places where you've woken up to breathtaking views . . .

. . . and experienced the wide open spaces,

toured with your friends,

and witnessed many a glorious sunrise,

and saw the most stunning sunsets in numerous places!

When your Cruiser becomes your home . .

and your comfort,

and your companion that takes you places,

where you can spend quality time with friends . .

and meet new people with whom to share exciting new experiences!

When you've marveled at the magnificent creatures that crossed your path,

that enchanted you with their unpretentious natural splendour,

and humbled you when you realised how small you actually are!

That's when you realise that your Cruiser is not just a car to take you from point A to B. Its your means to a life enriching and rewarding lifestyle. The cost - your investment in running your cruiser! The value - priceless! Wink

All credit goes to Hennie Kotze for this article Mr. Green

Land Cruiser Club South Africa


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