Remembering the movie Gattaca due to The Case against Perfection:

Amazing movie, written and directed by The Truman Show screenwriter, one to hold on dearly to on dvd. For those who've seen it and/or to whet appetites :-), just check IMDb's trivia on it (for starters: The name "Gattaca" is composed entirely of the letters used to label the nucleotide bases of DNA. The four nucleotode bases of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.

NOW, The Case againt Perfection aims to show what's wrong with designer athletes, designer children, designer common people - pardon the oxymoron - who're taller and have better memory than they would on their own. Eugenics? Yes:

«The science-fiction movie Gattaca depicts a future in which parents routinely screen embryos for sex, height, immunity to disease, and even IQ. There is something troubling about the Gattaca scenario, but it is not easy to identify what exactly is wrong with screening embryos to choose the sex of our children.»
«In a social world that prizes mastery and control, parenthood is a school for humility. That we care deeply about our children and yet cannot choose the kind we want teaches parents to be open to the unbidden. Such openness is a disposition worth affirming, not only within families but in the wider world as well. It invites us to abide the unexpected, to live with dissonance, to rein in the impulse to control. A Gattaca -like world in which parents became accustomed to specifying the sex and genetic traits of their children would be a world inhospitable to the unbidden, a gated community writ large. The awareness that our talents and abilities are not wholly our own doing restrains our tendency toward hubris.»


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