Average Erect Penis Lengths for 10 Species

1. Humpback whale 10 ft [+ 3 m]

2. Elephant 5-6 ft [1,50 - 1,80 m]

3. Bull 3 ft [92 cm]

4. Stallion 2 ft 6 in. [80 cm]

5. Rhinoceros 2 ft [61 cm]

6. Pig 18-20 in. [45 - 50 cm]

7. Man 6 in. [15 cm]

8. Gorilla 2 in. [5 cm]

9. Cat ¾ in.

10. Mosquito 1/100 in.


Zabriskie disse…
So basically the Humpback whale has a penis that is almost twice my height, "dickhead" takes a whole new dimension here...
Unknown disse…
So that´s why they say that there are so many "catmen". Now I got it.

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