
A mostrar mensagens de abril, 2004
The story of Ohhh - For men it is quick, easy and essential for reproduction. For women, it is slow, difficult and purely for pleasure. Yet despite such differences, it brings the sexes together and is the basis of the monogamy that distinguishes us from other animals. Not to be confused (or is it) with Histoire d'O (illustrated version depicted here): 'A rare thing, a pornographic book well written and without a trace of obscenity' - Graham Greene ; 'Here all kinds of terrors await us, but like a baby taking its mother's milk all pains are assuaged. Touched by the magic of love, everything is transformed. Story of O is a deeply moral homily' - J.G. Ballard
There go my stats: Economic Left/Right: -5.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.51 I'm more leftish and libertarian than the Dalai Lama... I'm in no man's land... Why are there NO WOMEN here? What about Benazir Bhutto, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Cori Aquino, our recent vicepresident...
The Political Compass What does it mean and the example of an International Political Compass, for starters: There's abundant evidence for the need of it. The old one-dimensional categories of 'right' and 'left' , established for the seating arrangement of the French National Assembly of 1789, are overly simplistic for today's complex political landscape. For example, who are the 'conservatives' in today's Russia? Are they the unreconstructed Stalinists, or the reformers who have adopted the right-wing views of conservatives like Margaret Thatcher ? here are my results : Economic Left/Right: -4.62 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.44 (no actual chart to post :-( I'm in the lower left corner of the square which makes me a Libertarian Leftist (jeez...) in fact, I'm Gandhi (jeeeeeez...) Take the (serious, no nonsense) test and be prepared for a lot of information that I meselfa am always lacking, being no party...
Stephen Downes Guide to Fallacies , available in Portuguese in Crítica, revista de Filosofia e Ensino , translated and adapted by Júlio Sameiro. Here's the Portuguese Index: Falácias da Dispersão (manobras de diversão) Falso dilema (falsa dicotomia) Apelo à ignorância Derrapagem (bola de neve ou declive ardiloso) Pergunta complexa Apelo a Motivos (em vez de razões) Apelo à força Apelo à piedade Apelo a consequências Apelo a preconceitos Apelo ao povo Fugir ao Assunto (falhar o alvo) Ataques pessoais Apelo à autoridade Autoridade anónima Estilo sem substância Falácias Indutivas Generalização precipitada Amostra não representativa Falsa analogia Indução preguiçosa Omissão de dados Falácias com regras gerais Falácia do acidente Falácia inversa do acidente Falácias causais Post hoc Efeito conjunto Insignificância Tomar o efeito pela causa Causa complexa Falhar o alvo Petição de princípio...
The world is blowing up The world is caving in The world has lost her way again But you are here with me But you are here with me Makes it ok I hear you still talk to me As if you're sitting in that dusty chair Makes the hours easier to bare I know despite the years alone I'll always listen to you sing your sweet song And if it's all the same to you I love you oh so well Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow I love you oh so well Enough to fill up heaven overflow and fill hell Love you oh so well And it's cold and darkness falls It's as if you're in the next room so alive I could swear I hear you singing to me I love you oh so well Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow I love you oh so well Enough to fill up heaven overflow and fill hell Love you oh so well The world is blowing up The world is caving in The world has lost her way again But you are here with me But you are here with me Makes it ok Oh girl you are singing...
I cannot but think that I was also brought up in a religious school: "Almodóvar es el único director español contemporáneo con una mirada exclusiva y nueva, el único que no sólo ha hecho una serie de películas, sino que ha creado un mundo propio poblado de obsesiones y personajes complejos, diablos y humanos, oscuros y amantes. La mala educación es una historia sobre el pasado, de cómo nos configura y nos construye y de cómo nos alcanza por mucho que querramos correr. Y aunque la trama es brillante en su construcción y hay estampas que quedarán en el recuerdo, no queda sino cierta desazón ante las pasiones extremas que dividieron las vidas."
hideaway noun [C] INFORMAL a place where someone goes when they want to relax away from other people
A perfect hideaway:
SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD El Gobierno rebajará el IVA de los discos del 16% al 4% y el de los libros a un "simbólico" 1%
Here's the link to the whole gallery ....
Tres enlaces sobre libros y autores: Arturo Pérez-Reverte ya está escribiendo su próxima novela que tiene el éxito garantizado. Porque, aprovechando que en 2005 será el centenario de ‘El Quijote’, Reverte está preparando una novela sobre el Ingenioso Hidalgo. El premio Nobel José Saramago presentó este martes en el Teatro Alcázar su último libro ‘Ensayo sobre la lucidez’, del que destacó "la importancia del individuo, la fuerza que tenemos cada uno, expresada en la novela en forma de voto en blanco que cuestiona el sistema democrático". Neruda, sobre Madrid, antes de la Guerra Civil : Neruda residió dos intensos años, del 34 al 36, en Madrid. En sus versos aparece la Casa de Las Flores de Hilarión Eslava, las tertulias literarias, la bohemia de la época, Alberti (‘¿Te acuerdas Rafael?’), García Lorca (‘¿Te acuerdas Federico?’), Miguel Hernández y otros tantos miembros de la Generación del 27: “Madrid es la ciudad antídoto para mi hastío”-diría Neruda
Poets Die Young What is it about poets? Even in the pantheon of troubled artists, poets tend to be perceived as singularly despairing and subject to bad ends. Sylvia Plath turned on the gas and stuck her head in an oven when she was 30. Hart Crane leaped from the deck of a ship at 32. Paul Laurence Dunbar succumbed to tuberculosis at 33. As if that weren't bad enough, now one of the largest studies of its kind shows that poets tend to die younger than other types of writers. The study of 1,987 dead writers was conducted by James C. Kaufman, director of the Learning Research Institute at California State University, San Bernardino. Mr. Kaufman, a psychologist, tallied the average ages at death for prominent male and female novelists, poets, playwrights and nonfiction writers who were American (with some Canadians and Mexicans), Chinese, Turkish and Eastern European. Overall, poets lived an average of 62.2 years, compared with nonfiction writers, who lived the longest a...
Remembering the movie Gattaca due to The Case against Perfection : Amazing movie, written and directed by The Truman Show screenwriter, one to hold on dearly to on dvd. For those who've seen it and/or to whet appetites :-), just check IMDb's trivia on it (for starters: The name "Gattaca" is composed entirely of the letters used to label the nucleotide bases of DNA. The four nucleotode bases of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. NOW, The Case againt Perfection aims to show what's wrong with designer athletes, designer children, designer common people - pardon the oxymoron - who're taller and have better memory than they would on their own. Eugenics? Yes: «The science-fiction movie Gattaca depicts a future in which parents routinely screen embryos for sex, height, immunity to disease, and even IQ. There is something troubling about the Gattaca scenario, but it is not easy to identify what exactly is...
Oliver Stone and the movie on Fidel Castro: interview to Slate mag (and remarkably scarce information in IMDb ); some reviews on MRQE
Portugal, treinta años de claveles Cuando llegué a Lisboa ya estaban los claveles en las bocas de los fusiles. «Avril em Portugal»... decía la vieja canción. Una florista de la plaza del Rossio se había encargado de poetizar de esta manera el golpe de Estado de Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho y sus compañeros del MFA contra una dictadura de más de cuarenta años. Fue, la de los claveles, una revolución incruenta. Un viejo poeta comunista sucumbió a mi lado en el aeropuerto de Portela. Infarto. No pudo recuperarse de la emoción, de ver después de tantos años, a Alvaro Cunhal, secretario general del partido. Fueron días de claveles y exaltación revolucionaria. Al pasar Valencia de Alcántara, ya en el lado portugués de la frontera, me encontré con que el vigilante echaba la siesta. Lo desperté con suavidad y me abrió la barrera con una sonrisa. «Este es el único país del mundo, pensé, en el que un aduanero echa la siesta la tarde de la revolución». La radio transmitía himnos marciales y...
Respuesta inspirada - Perdona, ¿tienes fuego? - Ahora mismo no, pero si me sigues mirando así, no tardaré mucho.
Welcome... to the Tim Burton Collective , the most comprehensive and popular website dedicated to the filmmaker Tim Burton.
Oysters, anyone? This beauty has the unattractive name of AM 0644-741 .
El Mundo has a special on Hoteles y Pensiones en Lisboa
Art : Have the museums in Britain taken the idea of different-but-equal a bit too far? (funny, in Portuguese we dropped any adversative and we say "todos diferentes, todos iguais")
Counsel: My next witness will explain that if m'ludship will allow. I call the late Arthur Aldridge. Clerk of the Court: The late Arthur Aidridge. Judge: The late Arthur Aldridge? Counsel: Yes m'lud. (A coffin is brought into the court and laid across the witness box.) Judge: Mr Bartlett, do you think there is any relevance in questioning the deceased? Counsel: I beg your pardon m'lud. Judge: Well, I mean, your witness is dead. Counsel: Yes, m'lud. Er, ,well, er, virtually, m'lud. Judge: He's not completely dead? Counsel: No he's not completely dead m'lud. No. But he's not at all well. Judge: But if he's not dead, what's he doing in a coffin? Counsel: Oh, it's purely a precaution m'lud - if I may continue? Mr Aldridge, you were a... you are a stockbroker of xo Savundra Close, Wimbledon. (from the coffin comes a bang) Mr Aldridge... Judge: What was that knock? Counsel: It means 'yes' m'lud. One knock for ...
Viscera and the American taste :-P
Minimal Porn website ; La esencia del porno a través de colores planos, bucles y figuras geométricas...
Must Read: Think Internet's popular, access-to-all and for-all nature fosters democracy ? Think again:
Laughter and The Irresponsible Self
CUATRO BALADAS AMARILLAS I En lo alto de aquel monte un arbolito verde. Pastor que vas, pastor que vienes. Olivares soñolientos bajan al llano caliente. Pastor que vas, pastor que vienes. Ni ovejas blancas ni perro ni cayado ni amor tienes. Pastor que vas. Como una sombra de oro, en el trigal te disuelves. Pastor que vienes. II La tierra estaba amarilla. Orillo, orillo, pastorcillo. Ni luna blanca ni estrella lucían. Orillo, orillo, pastorcillo. Vendimiadora morena corta el llanto de la viña. Orillo, orillo, pastorcillo. III Dos bueyes rojos en el campo de oro. Los bueyes tienen ritmo de campanas antiguas y ojos de pájaro. Son para las mañanas de niebla, y sin embargo horadan la naranja del aire, en el verano. Viejos desde que nacen no tienen amo y recuerdan las alas de sus costados. Los bueyes siempre van suspirando por los campos de Ruth en busca del vado, del eterno vado, borrachos de luceros a rumiarse sus lla...
I stole (I admit it, mis disculpas, Claudia , but else do we Spaniards do, right?) this from another blog: On the April 25th 1974 a revolution took place in Portugal; a 40 something year old dictatorship was overthrown. Here is why it's called the Red Carnation Revolution . I think everyone can imagine (if not experienced) the atrocities and the general repression of a dictatorship in every section of society. Here's some trivia on the dictatorship and how it prevented the people to access information and culture; as usual, I prefer to talk about things that make me laugh (even if bitterly): - The Last Tango in Paris (Bertolucci), A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick) and many other movies were not shown in Portugal because of censorship; here's my favourite argument against a movie (sarcasm here, of course): Oh! What a Lovely War by Richard Attenborough (a musical!) - "We do not approve this movie because it's a cruel story against war." - The secr...
have you checked My Cat Annie lately?
I may be able to speak the languages of men and even of angels, but if I do not have love, it will sound like noisy brass. If I have the gift of speaking God's Word and if I understand all secrets, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I know all things and if I have the gift of faith so I can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give everything I have to feed poor people and if I give my body to be burned, but do not have love, it will not help me. Love does not give up. Love is kind. Love is not jealous. Love does not put itself up as being important. Love has no pride. Love does not do the wrong thing. Love never thinks of itself. Love does not get angry. Love does not remember the suffering that comes from being hurt by someone. Love is not happy with sin. Love is happy with the truth. Love takes everything that comes without giving up. Love believes all things. Love hopes for all things. Love keeps on...
El MundoLibro tira la casa por la ventana. En un día como hoy, en el que los amantes de la literatura tienen una agenda cultural bien apretada, proponemos un trato que no dejará indiferente a ninguno de nuestros internautas: ' 100 libros por 10 palabras '
Yo quiero un libro d' El Quijote!!!!!
Finding of the week, absolutely must-read: Joseph Epstein on the Brain , a book review. Excerpts: «I was recently asked what it takes to become a writer. Three things, I answered: first, one must cultivate incompetence at almost every other form of profitable work. This must be accompanied, second, by a haughty contempt for all the forms of work that one has established one cannot do. To these two must be joined, third, the nuttiness to believe that other people can be made to care about your opinions and views and be charmed by the way you state them. Incompetence, contempt, lunacy -- once you have these in place, you are set to go.» «Much of what is known about the brain has been acquired through the study and correction of injuries: strokes, aphasias, tumors, and various sad jigeroos. Everyone has encountered such dirty tricks at work. I had a dentist who, after a stroke, lost his powers of recalling proper names or of following the simplest narratives. He killed himself. A...
And Now For Something Completely Different: Graças à |a|barriga|de|um|arquitecto| (hiperligação neste blogue), a página Urbanismo-Portugal tem patente a exposição - agora interactiva e futuramente executável - intitulada «30 anos de caos urbanístico».
Happy E A R T H Day :-))))) Denis Hayes, Reclaiming the Vision of the First Earth Day , was national coordinator of the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. He headed the first International Earth Day in 1990. He is chairman of Earth Day Network. An environmental attorney, he is president and CEO of the Bullitt Foundation, an environmental philanthropy based in Seattle
Encontrada a Prova Mais Antiga da Amizade Entre Gatos e Humanos A primeira domesticação de gatos selvagens é geralmente associada à civilização egípcia, mas a relação especial entre homens e gatos pode ser bem mais antiga. Cientistas do Museu Nacional de História Natural de Paris descobriram o esqueleto de um gato enterrado junto aos restos mortais de um humano, ambos com cerca de 9500 anos, na ilha mediterrânica de Chipre. Já durante os anos 80 fora descoberta, enterrada, uma mandíbula de gato nesta ilha. Não se conhecendo espécies nativas na zona, a descoberta significava que este animal tinha sido introduzido pelo homem, mas não provava que este tivesse sido domesticado. De facto, durante o Neolítico várias espécies selvagens foram introduzidas pela mão do homem em muitas outras ilhas. A raposa, por exemplo, foi introduzida em Chipre neste período. Mas o esqueleto de um gato enterrado a uns escassos 40 centímetros de um humano mostra, pelo contrário, que uma relação próx...
NaDa™ 0.9 was a system software extension for the Macintosh, but the new improved NaDa™ 0.5 is just a document of 1 byte for all Operating Systems. You don't have to restart your computer for installation. We hope to release NaDa™ 0.0 by the end of the year. ahhhhhhh, the unbearable lightness of ...... DO check the user comments!! [obrigada Paulinha :-)
La Casa del Libro regalará 50.000 tomos de ‘El Quijote’ durante el Día del libro (Sant Jordi aqui)
A very very funny way to retaliate against the ever-present office prankster
Heavy hung the canopy of blue shade my eyes and I can see you white is the light that shines trough the dress that you wore She lay in the shadow of a wave hazy were the visions overplayed sunlight in her eyes, but moonshine made her cry every time Green is the colour of her kind quickness of the eye deceives the mind envy is the bond between the hopeful and the damned
Janela reports that the Kronos Quartet will be perfoming in Lisbon (sigh...) at the Culturgest ...
"April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten, And drank coffee, and talked for an hour. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm' aus Litauen, echt deutsch. And when we were children, staying at the arch-duke's, My cousin's, he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in winter." T.S.Eliot, The Wasteland
Giving Up Passwords For Chocolate : The BBC is reporting that, according to a recent survey, more than 70% of people would willingly give up their computer password in exchange for as little as a bar of chocolate. Over a third of the people surveyed even gave out their password without having to be bribed, and most indicated that they were fed up with having to use passwords.
The Fog of War : please check 1945
Grabado japonés, 1850
What about this smallest of portable scanners? it's a pen!
Wanna arm-wrestle with your cellphone? :-) No more dead batteries here in Gizmos (Currently only available for Nokia mobile telephones - what else is new?)
After the fitball, the chill-out cocoon :-D I Want One of Those
Accused at one time or another of sodomy, atheism, felonious assault, coining, espionage, defection to Rome and subversion: Christopher Marlowe's new biography is out now
ATAHUALLPA: Explain love. DE NIZZA: It is not known in your kingdom. At home we can say to our ladies: "I love you", or to our native earth. It means we rejoice in their lives. But a man cannot say this to the woman he must marry at twenty-five; or to the strip of land allotted to him at birth which he must till till he dies. Love must be free, or else it alters away. Command it to your court: it will send a deputy. Let God order it to fill our hearts, it becomes useless to him. It is stronger than iron: yet in a fist of force it melts. It is a coin that sparkles in the hand; yet in the pocket it turns to rust. Love is the only door from the prison of ourselves. It is the eagerness of God to enter that prison, to take on pain, and imagine lust, so that the torn soldier, or the spent lecher, can call out in his defeat: "You know this too, so help me from it". The Royal Hunt of the Sun , Peter Schaffer, 1964
From the Voyager Avec collection (featuring the likes of D.H. Lawrence, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Roth, and Marcel Proust), by La Quinzaine Littéraire , publishing house of the Louis Vuitton Group, comes this interesting author who wrote about travelling to and being in Portugal: Le Vagabond Sédentaire From a review in Diário de Notícias : «(...) Larbaud tem todo o interesse para o leitor português. Quanto mais não seja porque é um autor que passou por cá em 1926 e escreveu algumas pérolas demasiado curiosas para nos entendermos como povo, sob o ângulo da perspectiva do olhar estrangeiro. Larbaud era um jovem sem preocupações financeiras e que podia viajar sem travões a não ser o da saúde e do medo da mãe. Para vir até Portugal, pediu uma carta de recomendação ao escritor Paul Morand - a justificação para a autorização maternal - e instalou-se num hotel da Avenida de Libertade por uns dias. Dado a alguma privacidade, logo alugou um pequeno apartamento e partiu à descoberta d...
Wish You Were Here Cotton candy and a rotten mouth You know you're so fucked up You know I couldn't help but have it for you And everybody knows the way I walk And knows the way I talk And knows the way I feel about you It's all a bunch of shit And there's nothing to do around here It's totally fucked up I'm totally fucked up Wish you were here And streets that only turn to boulevards And houses with back yards and it's raining like hell on the cars And everybody knows the way I walk And knows the way I talk Knows the way I feel about you It's all a bunch of shit And there's nothing to do around here It's totally fucked I'm totally fucked Wish you were here And if I could have my way We'd take some drugs And we'd smile We'd smile We'd smile But not tonight, my dear Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here -- Ryan Adams, Rock,n,Roll , 2003
Samarago's book is out today in Spain (in time for Sant Jordi or the Book Day in the rest of Spain)
Never too much to recall our fellow Americans :-P
A él Era la edad lisonjera en que es un sueño la vida; era la aurora hechicera de mi juventud florida, en su sonrisa primera. Cuando sin rumbo vagaba por el campo silenciosa, y en escuchar me gozaba la tórtola que entonaba su querella lastimosa. Melancólico fulgor blanca luna repartía, y el aura leve mecía con soplo murmurador la tierna flor que se abría. ¡Y yo gozaba! El rocío, nocturno llanto del cielo, el bosque espeso y umbrío, la dulce quietud del suelo, el manso correr del río. Y de la luna el albor, y el agua que murmuraba, acariciando la flor, y el pájaro que cantaba... ¡Todo me hablaba de amor! Y trémula, palpitante, en mi delírio extasiada, mire una visión brillante como el Aire, perfumada, como las nubes, flotante. Ante mí resplandecia, como un astro brillador, y mi loca fantasia al fantasma seductor tributaba idolatría. Escuchar pensé su acento en el canto de las aves; eran las auras su aliento cargadas de aromas suave...
O grupo Gaumont, um dos mais importantes exibidores de cinema em França, retirou os trailers de «La Mala Educación» , de Pedro Almodóvar, das 50 salas que administra. Segundo explicou o diário «Libération», o boicote ao filme, cuja estreia está prevista para o dia 12 de Maio, acontece na sequência de pressões exercidas por um grupo católico ortodoxo. Trata-se de «um filme abominável contra a Igreja Católica e a favor da homossexualidade, declarou o grupo religioso nos folhetos que distribuiu à porta dos cinemas. Em causa estão imagens de abusos sexuais praticados por padres dos colégios franquistas sobre os adolescentes. A Gaumont justificou a medida dizendo que pretende evitar «uma polémica inútil» e que o mais importante é «a serenidade dos espectadores». O novo filme do cineasta espanhol - cuja estreia, em França, coincidirá com a abertura da 57ª. edição do Festival de Cinema de Cannes - narra a história de Ignacio e Enrique, dois jovens que descobrem o amor, o cinema e o medo nu...
Evil It seems all too familiar: on a fall morning in a major city, civilization is disrupted. In less than a half-hour, buildings are destroyed, thousands are killed, the sky turns dark with dust. Philosophers and religious leaders invoke the concept of evil. Some blame the sinful behavior of the citizenry and cite divine retribution; others believe that civil society will soon restore itself. But this is Lisbon , not New York; Nov. 1, not Sept. 11; 1755, not 2001; and the event is not a terrorist attack but an earthquake followed by raging fires and tidal floods. The philosopher Susan Neiman compares these events in her new book, "Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy" (Princeton University Press), and the contrasts are more telling than the similarities. Ms. Neiman, a Kantian scholar and director of the Einstein Forum, an interdisciplinary research institution in Potsdam, Germany, treats the Lisbon earthquake as a turning point in European inte...
"I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up." Read Walden for free in here or the whole (ugly) TXT format here .
What's the colour of joy? Hotpink! Pink Floyd reeditam «The Final Cut» «The Final Cut», álbum editado pelos Pink Floyd em 1983, foi reeditado em Portugal com uma faixa-extra, letras dos temas e arte gráfica original desenhada por Roger Waters. Foi reeditado em Portugal o último álbum gravado por Roger Waters nos Pink Floyd . Intitulado "The Final Cut", o disco, editado em 1983, chega agora aos escaparates com algumas novidades, como uma faixa-extra, letras das canções e arte gráfica original da autoria de Roger Waters. "When The Tigers Broke Free", editada como single do álbum, é agora recuperada para esta reedição. Produzido por Roger Waters, James Guthrie e Michael Kamen, o álbum, que tem como subtítulo «a requiem for the post war dream» contém um total de 13 faixas e é sobretudo visto como um trabalho a solo de Roger Waters, com participação discreta dos outros membros da banda. Inspirado na guerra das Malvinas, «The Final Cut» constitui uma críti...
Mr. Praline : Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now. Owner : No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, isn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage! Mr. Praline : The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead. Owner : Nononono, no, no! 'E's resting! The dead parrot sketch, Monty Python
Let us prepare. Sylvia 's about to be here Mad Girl's Love Song I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my lids and all is born again. (I think I made you up inside my head.) The stars go waltzing out in blue and red, And arbitrary blackness gallops in: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane. (I think I made you up inside my head.) God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade: Exit seraphim and Satan's men: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. I fancied you'd return the way you said, But I grow old and I forget your name. (I think I made you up inside my head.) I should have loved a thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes they roar back again. I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. (I think I made you up inside my head.)
Literary bar jokes Charles Dickens: Please, sir, I'd like a martini. Bartender: Sure thing. Olive or twist? James Joyce: I'll take a Guinness. Bartender: So Charles Dickens was in here yesterday. James Joyce: (drinks) Bartender: And he asked for a martini and I said, "Olive or twist?" James Joyce: (drinks) Bartender: You see, it's funny because he wrote a book called "Oliver Twist." James Joyce: What a shitty joke. Ernest Hemingway: Gin. Bartender: So Charles Dickens was in here two days ago. Ernest Hemingway: Joyce already told me that story. Fuck off. Franz Kafka: I'd like a mineral water. Bartender: Olive or twist? Franz Kafka: I can't digest solid food. Mark Twain: Give me a brandy. Bartender: So Charles Dickens came in the other day and ordered a martini. Mark Twain: Did he take an olive or twist? Ha ha ha! Bartender: (tearful) You did that on purpose, didn't you? Virginia Woolf: I'll take your second-b...
Of course there's a website : I didn't know he looked like a flamenco singer (at least in this pic, no pun intended :p)
I found some Saki in Spanish (God forgive me) El cuentista Era una tarde calurosa y el vagón del tren también estaba caliente; la siguiente parada, Tamplecombe, estaba casi a una hora de distancia. Los ocupantes del vagón eran una niña pequeña, otra niña aún más pequeña y un niño también pequeño. Una tía, que pertenecía a los niños, ocupaba un asiento de la esquina; el otro asiento de la esquina, del lado opuesto, estaba ocupado por un hombre soltero que era un extraño ante aquella fiesta, pero las niñas pequeñas y el niño pequeño ocupaban, enfáticamente, el compartimiento. Tanto la tía como los niños conversaban de manera limitada pero persistente, recordando las atenciones de una mosca que se niega a ser rechazada. La mayoría de los comentarios de la tía empezaban por «No», y casi todos los de los niños por «¿Por qué?». El hombre soltero no decía nada en voz alta. -No, Cyril, no -exclamó la tía cuando el niño empezó a golpear los cojines del asiento, provocando una nube de...
Continuidad de los parques - Julio Cortázar Había empezado a leer la novela unos días antes. La abandonó por negocios urgentes, volvió a abrirla cuando regresaba en tren a la finca; se dejaba interesar lentamente por la trama, por el dibujo de los personajes. Esa tarde, después de escribir una carta a su apoderado y discutir con el mayordomo una cuestión de aparcerías, volvió al libro en la tranquilidad del estudio que miraba hacia el parque de los robles. Arrellanado en su sillón favorito, de espaldas a la puerta que lo hubiera molestado como una irritante posibilidad de intrusiones, dejó que su mano izquierda acariciara una y otra vez el terciopelo verde y se puso a leer los últimos capítulos. Su memoria retenía sin esfuerzo los nombres y las imágenes de los protagonistas; la ilusión novelesca lo ganó casi en seguida. Gozaba del placer casi perverso de irse desgajando línea a línea de lo que lo rodeaba, y sentir a la vez que su cabeza descansaba cómodamente en el terciopel...
Saki , "Esmé" Tradução de José Lima - Todas as histórias de caça são iguais - disse Clovis. - E todas as histórias de corridas de cavalos também são iguais, e todas as… - A minha história de caça não se parece em nada com qualquer outra que tenha ouvido - disse a Baronesa. - Passou-se já há bastante tempo, tinha eu vinte e três anos. Nessa altura não estava separada do meu marido; está a ver, nenhum de nós se podia dar ao luxo de pagar ao outro uma pensão. Digam o que disserem os provérbios, são mais os lares que a pobreza mantém unidos do que aqueles que destrói. Mas caçávamos sempre com matilhas diferentes. Nada disto tem a ver com a história. - Ainda não chegámos ao ponto da concentração. Suponho que houve uma concentração ...