Terry Gilliam Wants Robert Duvall to Play Don Quixote de la Mancha!

When I interviewed Terry Gilliam for The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus a month ago, he told me he had his new Don Quixote de la Mancha, but he wouldn’t reveal who he was.  When I asked him if this person could help with the financing of the movie, he said he couldn’t.  While I spent some time trying to figure out who it could be, with little more to go on, I gave up, knowing it would eventually come out.
And it did. Today.
That’s because a few minutes ago I was interviewing Robert Duvall (on camera) for his new movie Crazy Heart and he told me Terry Gilliam wants him to play Don Quixote!  This is assuming Gilliam can raise the money.  While I wish I could post the video of him saying it and provide exact quotes, I’m still at the hotel.  But when I get back to the office later this afternoon I’ll update this story with the full interview.  I just wanted to get this news online immediately.  Until later today….
UPDATED: His exact quotes and the video are after the jump:

Robert Duvall: I may work with Terry Gilliam next - if they get the money - to play Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Duvall: In Europe. In Spain.
He told me about the project. That would be amazing.
Duvall: Totally amazing to work with Terry Gilliam.  But, once again, the money.  It’s so difficult to get the money.  He saw me play a Cuban barber one time with Richard Harris and that’s what gave him the idea to cast me as Don Quixote.


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