Are We Having Sex Now Or What?
Copyright 1992 Greta Christina.
Originally published in The Erotic Impulse, edited by David Steinberg, Tarcher Press.
(Note: This is probably my best-known piece of writing, and is certainly my best-known essay. It's been reprinted numerous times (including a butchered version that appeared in Ms. Magazine with all the references to kinds of sex they don't approve of removed), and it's been studied and cited all over the damn place. No kidding. I Googled myself once and found a reference to this piece on a university's on-line midterm exam question. Perhaps my proudest moment as a writer ever.)
Originally published in The Erotic Impulse, edited by David Steinberg, Tarcher Press.
(Note: This is probably my best-known piece of writing, and is certainly my best-known essay. It's been reprinted numerous times (including a butchered version that appeared in Ms. Magazine with all the references to kinds of sex they don't approve of removed), and it's been studied and cited all over the damn place. No kidding. I Googled myself once and found a reference to this piece on a university's on-line midterm exam question. Perhaps my proudest moment as a writer ever.)