Read Fewer Books, Watch More Movies

Four Italian management consultants have come up with a novel way to get ahead in business - read fewer textbooks and watch more films.

In a new book, Cinema for Managers, the four consultants recommend 50 films they say showcase good business practice and highlight major issues.

Editor Francesco Bogliari says all good films teach lessons about behaviour.

Stephen Spielberg's The Terminal and Pedro Almodvar's film Volver are among those singled out by the authors.

The four consultants, Francesco Bogliari, Sergio Di Giorgi, Marco Lombardi and Piero Trupia say that executives learn little from books.

High-quality films, though, can offer lessons about problem-solving and teamwork as well as focusing on issues such as globalisation and diversity, Mr Bogliari said.

Success stories

Among the films on the consultants' list is Volver, the latest critically-acclaimed film by Spain's top director Pedro Almodovar.

In the film self-made businesswoman Raymunda, played by Penelope Cruz, uses her feminine skills to acquire and successfully run a restaurant.

In The Terminal, Tom Hanks plays an immigrant from Eastern Europe trapped in an American airport.

The authors say the story is a typical example of turning "diversity" into an advantage and an innovative strategy for succeeding in business.

Westerns starring John Wayne are seen as an inspiration for "leadership and mission", the authors say.

Lolita, Stanley Kubrick's 1962 offering, contains "lessons about seduction and betrayal" which might be useful for investing on the stock market, they add.

But the handbook comes with a health warning: do not transform drive into obsession.

Those who do risk following in the footsteps of Fitzcarraldo, the lead character in Werner Herzog's 1982 film of the same name.

He dreams of opening an opera house in the Amazon, and plans to haul an enormous river boat over a mountain to realise his ambition.


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