Fascinating: The Carpathians

The Carpathian Mountains (Romanian: Munţii Carpaţi; Polish, Czech, and Slovak: Karpaty; Ukrainian: Карпати (Karpaty); German: Karpaten; Serbian: Karpati / Карпати; Hungarian: Kárpátok) are the eastern wing of the great Central Mountain System of Europe, curving 1500 km (~900 miles) along the borders of Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Austria, Serbia, and northern Hungary.

The name 'Karpetes' may ultimately be from the Proto Indo-European root *sker-/*ker-, from which comes the Albanian word kar (rock), perhaps by way of a Dacian word which meant 'mountain,' rock, or rugged. Polish archaic word karpa mean rugged irregularities, underwater obstacles/rocks, rugged roots or trunks. Common word skarpa is sharp cliff or other vertical terrain.

Yep, crossing Europe from the Black Sea to the Portuguese language ;)


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