11 setembro 2006

Top 10 Words in SF dictionary

10> The Matrix: A virtual reality experience completely mimicking real life so as to satiate human brain centers and foster resource production while keeping humans blinded from the true environmental, social and geographical world. Also known as the Bush administration.

9> Dilithium crystals: What your usual space-beverage was secretly replaced with, after your overly manic demonstration on the bridge this morning.

8> HALitosis: Condition in which what your computer says stinks.

7> Prime Directive: Mild suggestion that starship captains not play god.

6> Soylent Green: see PEOPLE.

5> Wormhole: How lonely Fremen get their jollies.

4> Stilsuit: Arakeen outerwear designed to frustrate and disappoint visiting hillbillies.

3> Tachyon: An exotic particle capable of sealing rifts in the willing suspension of disbelief.

2> Warp drive: The loopy, erratic result every time you let little brother take over the controls of the spacecraft to practice for his exam.

and the Number 1 Word in the SF Dictionary…

1> Android: An itchy or painful swelling in the anal tissue of an artificial life form.

1 comentário:

Zabriskie disse...

Soylent Green: see people? hehe, fery funny