Richard Linklater's Fast Food Nation

"Fast Food Nation" definitely will not carry one of those little Humane Society notices proclaiming that no animals were harmed during the making of the production. Under conditions Linklater seemed unwilling to discuss, the filmmakers shot two hours of footage inside a Mexican slaughterhouse, where Sandino Moreno's character, among others, played workers. Without venturing into lurid detail, you see the entire process by which a living, terrified four-legged creature is reduced to the source material for many identical little high-fat patties. None of the cast members who witnessed this personally (those present insisted) has eaten a fast-food burger since then.

Beyond the Multiplex: Cannes edition, from Salon

I read the book, I might not have the guts to see the movie :|


Zabriskie disse…
Why is that lately animal suffering impact us more than people being left to die in Darfur, Nazi-nostalgic generals bombing markets in Central Europe at rush hour, fanatics parading a burnt-to-the-bone corpse throughout Baghdag, or a
a bunch of corpses drown in a beach in Spain.

Honestly, I don't get it.
Unknown disse…
We are just too many... and we are not in risk of being dizimated or something like that. We keep on flourishing... No one gives a damn if hundreds or thousands of people die. Like Stalin once said: If you kill a person you are an assassin. But if you kill a million, it´s a statistic. People don´t care for other people these days. It´s just like that. I´m not saying I agree. It´s just facts. Happily or not, some turn their efforts on animals just because they have hope on them. They´ve lost hope for humans...

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