A Lula e a Baleia (The Squid and The Whale)

Watched this a while ago and it's by far one of the best movies of the year. Yeah, I'm biased because its candid cover of Pink Floyd's Hey You and because I am partial to Laura Linney, what the heck... Hands down... (the exhibition is still there, btw, at the Natural History Museum in NY)

Official page here

Movie trailer here

PS: the title is way nicer in PT, has a liquid quality...
No, wait, playijng linguistic algebra then "Lula da Silva"
means "Squid of the jungle"?
No friggin' way...


Saki disse…
That would be Lula da SElva, homem, da seeelva!
Zabriskie disse…
Silva is forest in Latin and guy is still a squid

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