11 maio 2006

Why oh why?

Why these Americans, these English-speaking gits have to fuck up other people's names?
It's Vasco dA Gama!!
It's like when they talk about Fernando Pessoa's heteronyms, for f*** sake do not say Caeiro, Soares, Reis, De Campos, it is Campos, Campos, Campos!!!

5 comentários:

mawalien disse...


Not american, or even english....

From Holland...

The real question here is that if it was done by americans, they wouldn't know who the F#K Vesku di Gema is...

Zabriskie disse...

Vasco de Gama, Cabeza de vaca, 2 words too much for Americans, the only conqueror they sucessfuly place is Cortes because it´s only two syllables, like Taco.

Unknown disse...
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Unknown disse...

And what about Nuno? Most people can´t say it! They always say "Nino". It´s like any word that as ~ . Like Saki said once, "If they can say hã?!" they should say Espanã! (that´s me now)...

About the strip, lawyers suck.

Zabriskie disse...

I beat you all, here I am not Alejandro Diaz but Aleyandro Dayaz. or even they kill my last name and make it middle name: Aleyandro D. Garsiiiiia

go figure

PS: yeah, lawyers suck