Why oh why?

Why these Americans, these English-speaking gits have to fuck up other people's names?
It's Vasco dA Gama!!
It's like when they talk about Fernando Pessoa's heteronyms, for f*** sake do not say Caeiro, Soares, Reis, De Campos, it is Campos, Campos, Campos!!!


mawalien disse…

Not american, or even english....

From Holland...

The real question here is that if it was done by americans, they wouldn't know who the F#K Vesku di Gema is...
Zabriskie disse…
Vasco de Gama, Cabeza de vaca, 2 words too much for Americans, the only conqueror they sucessfuly place is Cortes because it´s only two syllables, like Taco.
Unknown disse…
Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.
Unknown disse…
And what about Nuno? Most people can´t say it! They always say "Nino". It´s like any word that as ~ . Like Saki said once, "If they can say hã?!" they should say Espanã! (that´s me now)...

About the strip, lawyers suck.
Zabriskie disse…
I beat you all, here I am not Alejandro Diaz but Aleyandro Dayaz. or even they kill my last name and make it middle name: Aleyandro D. Garsiiiiia

go figure

PS: yeah, lawyers suck

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