The Saddest Thing I Own

My Dog is the saddest thing I owned, my Dad used to pickup injured or astrayed dogs that my brothers and I now refer as family memories; them and their injuries funny how they moved about in their handycapped twisted ways but they all were faithful and loving even if they had been abused. Then one day i decided to get my own Dog, got him for $75.00 a pure (pedigree and all) chow-chow (food in china about 500 years ago, you know?!) beautiful and not vicious at all!! named him “tylo” after my husband’s favorite childhood movie (about a dog that had been granted to be human for a day) and now I have this dog in a prison(my house) I leave him all day alone, watch his behaviour via internet from work , he is lonely sits by the door most of time , sleeps 78% of the day since I’m too tired to walk him when I come home at nite (my husband and I carpool) and yet he’s there…old faithful, it’s sad, sad how we turned animals into possessions and victims of slavery.


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