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Lisboa Terra de todos e ninguém. A que Deus deu o encanto. A ti, cidade ninguém Nua de mim em pranto És luz divina de sol E triste... Tão triste de vento. Mas é assim Lisboa, doída de choro Que encaminho a alma do meu fado Em direcção aos becos do teu corpo. Não és minha, não, Lisboa És de Deus e Além, Do mar e Universo. Lisboa. Já te escreveram de paixões Corpos ardendo... por ti! E eu que já te cantei em versos sonhados! Mas é assim Lisboa...... |
It's all Greek to me ;-D
Stephen Halliwell GREEK LAUGHTER A study of cultural psychology from Homer to early Christianity In the third century BC, when Roman ambassadors were negotiating with the Greek city of Tarentum, an ill-judged laugh put paid to any hope of peace. Ancient writers disagree about the exact cause of the mirth, but they agree that Greek laughter was the final straw in driving the Romans to war. One account points the finger at the bad Greek of the leading Roman ambassador, Postumius. It was so ungrammatical and strangely accented that the Tarentines could not conceal their amusement. The historian Dio Cassius, by contrast, laid the blame on the Romans’ national dress. “So far from receiving them decently”, he wrote, “the Tarentines laughed at the Roman toga among other things. It was the city garb, which we use in the Forum. And the envoys had put this on, whether to make a suitably dignified impression or out of fear – thinking that it would make the Tarentines respect them. But in fact g...