World of Awe, created by new media artist Yael Kanarek, is a multi-media narrative that revolves around the story of a traveler in search of a lost treasure. The project engages the ancient genre of the traveler's tale to explore the connections between storytelling, memory, travel and technology that ranges from the lament over the absence of a lover to a comical declaration of loyalty to a floppy disk. To expand the story, World of Awe spins a network of projects and collaborations online, in galleries and in performance spaces. Click on the capsule to enter :-)
30 março 2004
WOA! Wonder of the Day:
World of Awe, created by new media artist Yael Kanarek, is a multi-media narrative that revolves around the story of a traveler in search of a lost treasure. The project engages the ancient genre of the traveler's tale to explore the connections between storytelling, memory, travel and technology that ranges from the lament over the absence of a lover to a comical declaration of loyalty to a floppy disk. To expand the story, World of Awe spins a network of projects and collaborations online, in galleries and in performance spaces. Click on the capsule to enter :-)
World of Awe, created by new media artist Yael Kanarek, is a multi-media narrative that revolves around the story of a traveler in search of a lost treasure. The project engages the ancient genre of the traveler's tale to explore the connections between storytelling, memory, travel and technology that ranges from the lament over the absence of a lover to a comical declaration of loyalty to a floppy disk. To expand the story, World of Awe spins a network of projects and collaborations online, in galleries and in performance spaces. Click on the capsule to enter :-)
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