
A mostrar mensagens de março, 2011

RIP Elizabeth Taylor, Goddess

The Eyes have it... Best Quotes: 1:  "Big girls need big diamonds" 2:  "I've always admitted that I'm ruled by my passions." 3:  "I fell off my pink cloud with a thud." 4:  "I am a very committed wife. And I should be committed too - for being married so many times." 5: " I don't think President Bush is doing anything at all about Aids. In fact, I'm not sure he even knows how to spell Aids." 6:  "I really don't remember much about Cleopatra. There were a lot of other things going on." 7:  "I suppose when they reach a certain age some men are afraid to grow up. It seems the older the men get, the younger their new wives get." 8:  "Im a survivor - a living example of what people can go through and survive." 9: " I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage." 10:  "Everything makes me nervous - except making films." 11:  "I've only slept with...

Happy Birthday, Gary Oldman ;)

From The Impossible Cool Tumblr

Books Everyone Should Read - Information is indeed Beautiful ;)

For The Guardian :

A Great and Terrible Beauty / Uma Grandiosa e Terrível Beleza

My Translation :D

Um Hino aos Tradutores, por José Ribeiro e Castro

Graças à Poison Ivy ;), reproduzido aqui Raras vezes os deputados têm uma responsabilidade pessoal tão directa. Nesta semana, têm-na consigo — e pesada: mandar, ou não mandar, para o desemprego mais umas quantas centenas de portugueses. Se a  Assembleia da República  apoiar que Portugal se oponha à cooperação reforçada na patente unitária e, assim, continuemos a bater-nos pela igualdade concorrencial e de regime linguístico, estaremos a defender não só a nossa língua, nem só a nossa economia — mas concretamente o emprego de quinhentos a mil profissionais, altamente qualificados. Se alinhar pela traição à língua portuguesa e pela rendição aos interesses dos mais poderosos, estaremos a querer somar mais umas largas centenas aos milhares de desempregados que Portugal já leva. Acrescentaremos mais insolvências, com encerramento de empresas e escritórios. A juntar ao desastre da dívida externa e do desequilíbrio comercial, alienaremos mais uns largos milhões de euros anuais de e...

All things Japanese in Lisbon tomorrow >)

Click to go to their FB profile

What If 'Rango' Really Was Based on Hunter S. Thompson?

From Cinematical Johnny Depp supposedly based the character he created for 'Rango' on his Hunter S. Thompson impersonation from 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.' To us, at least, this sounds like an awesome idea, especially considering that Depp already adapted one impersonation of a world-famous charismatic druggie, Keith Richards, into the massively successful 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. This got us thinking: Hunter S. Thompson ran for sheriff of Aspen, Colo.; Rango becomes the sheriff of Dirt. What if 'Rango' director Gore Verbinski took this idea a little bit further? Artist Edward Rueda gave us his best Ralph Steadman impersonation of what Rango would look like if the story of 'Rango' were inspired by Hunter S. Thompson as well.

Michael Cunningham On Translation

AS the author of “Las Horas,” “Die Stunden” and “De Uren” — ostensibly the Spanish, German and Dutch translations of my book “The Hours," but actually unique works in their own right — I’ve come to understand that all literature is a product of translation. That is, translation is not merely a job assigned to a translator expert in a foreign language, but a long, complex and even profound series of transformations that involve the writer and reader as well. “Translation” as a human act is, like so many human acts, a far more complicated proposition than it may initially seem to be. Let’s take as an example one of the most famous lines in literature: “Call me Ishmael.” That, as I suspect you know, is the opening sentence of Herman Melville’s “Moby-Dick.” We still recognize that line, after more than 150 years. Still. “Call me Ishmael.” Three simple words. What’s the big deal? For one thing, they possess that most fundamental but elusive of all writerly qualities: authority. As wri...

Vive la résistance! (linguistique à la française)

Les défenseurs de la langue française adorent se moquer du jargon managérial américain et des campagnes de publicité truffés d’anglais. Des slogans touristiques comme « l'Aisne, it's open! » peuvent certes prêter à sourire, mais en matière d'outrance langagière, les résistants linguistiques produisent un palmarès tout aussi impressionnant. Langue française et idéologie résistante Lorsqu'un défenseur du français voit dans sa ville quelques affiches avec les mots « City » ou « Market », il parle d’« anglophonisation totalitaire et systématique des enseignes commerciales ». Les Français qui communiquent en anglais au travail sont des « zombies décérébrés pour sociétés transnationales ». Et utiliser des concepts anglais comme « Care » fait de Martine Aubry  une « carpette anglaise », qui fait preuve d'une « veule soumission aux diktats des puissances financières mondialisées » . Oui, la patronne du PS vient de gagner ce fameux prix qui récompense chaque année les pl...