Dresden Mon Amour

It is not revisionism, it's due remembrance of people and events.

Famous writers whose works never had the credit they deserve, unknown authors who never saw the light of day, have been given the recognition of some of their peers in these several books about Germany's plight during WWII.

From Hans Erich Nossack's Der Untergang: Hamburg 1943:

I feel that I have been given a mandate to render an account. Let no one ask
me why I presume to speak of a mandate: I cannot answer that. I feel that my
mouth would remain closed forever if I did not take care of this first. Also, I
feel an urgency to set it down right away, even though only three months have
passed. For reason will never be capable of comprehending as a reality or
preserving in memory what happened there. I am afraid that, if I do not bear
witness now, it will gradually fade like an evil dream.

Please read on from Bookforum


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