
A mostrar mensagens de novembro, 2008

Wishlist: Cities of the World

Leaf through it at Taschen 's website ;)

Why is great perfume not taken more seriously?

Says the TLS : Given the amount of time and effort that curators, collectors, dealers, scholars and critics spend on formulating acute judgements of taste in relation to oil paintings, it seems odd that so few are prepared to apply some of the same skills in exploring works of art (some of them distinguished) which stimulate another sense altogether: that of smell. Why is great perfume not taken more seriously? While many art professionals are very serious about many branches of literature, architecture and music, I have yet to find a curatorial colleague who regularly beats a path to the fragrance counter in search of, say, Joy Parfum, the 1930 masterpiece by Henri Alméras for Jean Patou, which, if it were a painting, could hang beside Matisse’s nearly contemporary “Yellow Odalisque” in Philadelphia. And yet, the parallels between what ought to be more properly regarded as sister arts are undeniable. Artists and colourmen combine natural and, these days, synthetic pigments with media ...

Chivalry can and should coexist with Feminism

Tells us Jezebel : This morning on Today , "experts" weighed in on the hot button issue of chivalry, and whether the concept is dead, outdated, or just plain unfeminist. We don't think that chivalry is dead, and we don't think that women on the receiving end of it are less feminist, but we do think some of the rules of etiquette need to be revamped to reflect the shifts in gender roles. The misconception is that, deep down, all women want a bad boy. Untrue: We just don't want someone who kisses our asses or behaves like a doormat. But that doesn't mean that manners should be thrown out the window. We know it seems like we want it both ways: equality and courtesy. But why must the two be mutually exclusive? Besides, shouldn't there be a few trade offs, or benefits, for the crap we have to put up with as women? We've come up with an updated list of rules of the new chivalry for the modern man…and woma 1.) Give her your seat. Not because she...

Must Know: Dune (and vive la France III)

because unfortunately it cannot be a Must See :( Alejandro Jodorowsky planned for a Dune movie featuring Salvador Dalí, Orson Welles, Mick Jagger, Alain Delon, Geraldine Chaplin, Gloria Swanson and David Carradine. Collaborations by Moebius and H.R. Giger! Score by Pink Floyd! :) all about it in Dune Info , translated from this French magazine of science fiction and horror comics. Vive la France ;)

Is my cat plotting to kill me?

(among many of the examples:) From HeyQuiz , where you can find many other hilarious quizzes

O Acordo Ortográfico por parte do Brasil :)

Nossa Língua em Quadrinhos , graças ao Carlos ;)

Vive la France II: Clocky

Vous aviez du mal à vous lever le matin? ... Avec Clocky® , c'est fini ! Clocky® est un petit réveil motorisé et très efficace dont vous ne pourrez plus vous passer. Lorsqu'il sonne, il s'enfuit pour vous faire sortir du lit. Clocky® est un réveil à l'allure moitié spatiale, moitié animale et lorsqu'il prend vie, il sonne, il saute de votre table de chevet (60 cm de hauteur maximum) et roule dans toutes les directions dans votre chambre pendant 30 secondes, tout en diffusant sa sonnerie stridente qui ressemble à un mélange de bips réguliers et de langage R2D2 (Star Wars). Aucun obstacle ne résiste à Clocky®, s'il rencontre un meuble, il tourne et se dirige vers une autre direction. Il terminera sa course un peu folle dans un endroit bien caché, vous obligeant à sortir de votre lit douillet pour l'éteindre (si vous le trouvez !). Finies les pannes d'oreiller et l'excuse du "réveil" à votre professeur ou votre patron : la vie appartient à ...

Vive la France I

Food for Thought from Chocolate & Zucchini: the Edible Idiom gives us Couper la Poire en Deux «It means, literally, "cutting the pear in two," or reaching a compromise : if two people want the same pear, halving it is the most equitable way to settle the dispute. For example : "Nos deux familles voulaient nous avoir à Noël, donc on a coupé la poire en deux : on va chez ses parents le 24, et chez les miens le 25." ("Both our families wanted us to come over for Christmas, so we cut the pear in two: we'll spend Christmas Eve at his parents', and Christmas Day at mine.").» Post trilingue, já que a imagem é bem portuguesa ;)

Postcard from Kyoto, Japan

Postcard from Kyoto, Japan - Yoshiko Originally uploaded by Saki and Dharma . Arigato, Yoshiko ;)

Postcard from Japan

Postcard from Japan - Kie Originally uploaded by Saki and Dharma . Arigato, Kie ;)