Image courtesy of BoingBoing
Durante a retirada da Rússia na guerra de 1812, os oficiais da cavalaria Valentine e Oscar são separados do pelotão principal por uma brutal nevasca. Eles acham que o que há de pior em meio à neve é a Morte. Ambos não poderiam estar mais errados.
Os dois se deparam com um conflito entre seres mais poderosos do que a humanidade seria capaz de imaginar, um conflito que agora ameaça consumir todo o planeta Terra – porque aqueles que lutavam contra este horror, os poucos bastiões de luz, estão voltando para casa.
Episódio de estréia do aclamado thriller de fantasia em quadrinhos produzido pela roteirista Alex de Campi e pela ilustradora Christine Larsen.
Image courtesy of BoingBoing
During Napoleon’s retreat from Russia in the War of 1812, cavalry officers Valentine and Oscar are separated from the main army by a brutal blizzard. They think the worst thing waiting out there in the snow for them is Death. They could not be more wrong. The two soldiers stumble across an ancient conflict between beings more powerful than humanity can imagine, a conflict which now threatens to consume the Earth and all upon it – because those who have stood in the horror’s path, the few bastions of light, are going home.
Valentine is a fantasy / thriller graphic novel series by writer Alex de Campi and artist Christine Larsen. It is available in 14 languages and counting.
You can’t buy it in a comic book shop because it’s not a traditional comic; it’s a project which has been tailored specifically to be enjoyed on wireless devices: iPhone, Android, e-Readers and of course your laptop. This means rather than pages, we have screens – all the better for optimising viewing on small devices, and adapting to languages which read right-to-left (such as Japanese) as well as left-to-right. On iPhone and Android, we also make use of simple transitions to enhance the reading experience.
The first episode is free. After that, each 65-75 screen episode costs 99 cents, and new episodes come out monthly. However the project is released under a creative commons licence so if you come across a version for free somewhere please do take it and enjoy it with our blessing. If you like it, please recommend it on to friends, or consider tipping us (tip jar at left!) or buying a future episode. We are not a big corporation or a publisher, we are just two women who sometimes can’t even afford groceries.
If you prefer good old paper books to all this wireless malarkey, fret not. When the series is over, we intend to publish it in one big fat digest-size volume. We like books, too, but releasing Valentine episodically like this is a lot of fun for us, and it means we get (hopefully!) a little income and some feedback while working on the series.
Please do get in touch or post if we currently don’t support your language (we are always looking for translators!) or your device. We are working as fast as we can to get Valentine rolled out across most major devices, but sometimes life gets in the way.
Portuguese (prior to the new Spelling Agreement, apparently ;) thanx to Robot Comics
Os dois se deparam com um conflito entre seres mais poderosos do que a humanidade seria capaz de imaginar, um conflito que agora ameaça consumir todo o planeta Terra – porque aqueles que lutavam contra este horror, os poucos bastiões de luz, estão voltando para casa.
Episódio de estréia do aclamado thriller de fantasia em quadrinhos produzido pela roteirista Alex de Campi e pela ilustradora Christine Larsen.